1. Available Training - Acadis® Portal
Additional training may be available after authenticating. Please sign in.
Acadis® will no longer support Internet Explorer 11. Users who choose to continue using Internet Explorer 11 will not have full Acadis® functionality, which may include broken features that will not be updated for this browser. For the best experience, please switch to a supported browser.
2. Indiana Public Safety Personnel Portal - DHS - IN.gov
This portal provides public safety personnel access to information published for them by these organizations, and it also provides information back.
This Indiana Public Safety Personnel Portal (Acadis Portal) is part of a cooperative effort between the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) and the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) to provide centralized information storage in support of consolidated emergency readiness and response. This portal provides public safety personnel access to information published for them by these organizations, and it also provides information back in efforts to keep their records updated. The portal is used for certification renewals for both EMS and fire certificate holders who must renew their certifications according to the rules of the EMS Commission and the Board of Firefighting Personnel Standards and Education. The portal is also used for certification testing, training updates, organization tracking and communications with emergency responders across the state.
3. Login - Acadis
For Acadis Portal account please contact the Acadis Customer Care at acadishelp@acadis.com. Username. Password. Log in. Forgot your password?Not a member?
4. acadis portal
Conveniently register participants, access training materials, check schedules and certifications, and enter or collect data to remain ready and compliant.
ACADIS PORTAL Anywhere, Anytime Access to Records and Training Conveniently register participants, access training materials, check schedules and certifications, and enter or collect data to remain ready and compliant. Simplify...
5. Online Testing Portal - Acadis
ACADIS TESTING PORTAL. Secure Online Learning Center. From proctor monitor to report generation, automatically calculate and report results to personnel ...
ACADIS TESTING PORTAL Secure Online Learning Center From proctor monitor to report generation, automatically calculate and report results to personnel records—and use data to increase learner readiness. Testing and Analysis...
6. [PDF] Indiana Public Safety Personnel Portal: - IDHS District 4 Firefighter Training
1) Once you have a PSID number, open a web browser and go to the following link: a. https://acadisportal.in.gov/AcadisViewer/Login.aspx. 2) Using your portal ...
7. Acadis Portal Training - FirstForward
This course provides Acadis Portal Training, including an introduction to the Portal and training for the Personal Portal, WebForms, Organization Portal.
FirstForward makes courses, training records, and exposure tracking easily accessible to first responders, providing tools to manage training, compliance, policy documents, and performance reviews.
8. Public Safety Identification (PSID) Application: DHS Public
You will receive an email from the Indiana Public Safety Personnel Portal providing you with a password to log-in to your personal portal and to view your PSID.
9. Indiana Assessment Portal
Ilearn · Iread-3 · ILEARN Checkpoints Pilot · I AM
This portal contains information about Indiana's ILEARN, IREAD-3, and I AM assessment programs.
10. NC Justice Academy Training Portal
Students must request enrollment for classroom and online courses through the Training Portal. Confirmation and all class correspondence will be handled by ...
The North Carolina Justice Academy is funded by the North Carolina General Assembly. Course enrollment is for full-time employees of criminal justice agencies within North Carolina. Training Portal Students must […]
11. WSCJTC Acadis Portal: How to Print Your Certificate(s)
Printing Your Certificate(s)/Certifications Print. Modified on: Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 1:31 PM. 1) Login into the WSCJTC Acadis Portal at ...
1) Login into the WSCJTC Acadis Portal at https://wscjtc.acadisonline.com/ If the log in page does not look like this, you are not on the Acadis portal 2) Go to the Certifications Band 3) Click the Print link. 4) This will op...
12. Can't access your Portal account? - Organization of American States
Portal accounts are automatically locked for three reasons: 1. Multiple failed attempts to log in to the Portal. If the Portal password is incorrectly entered ...
Portal accounts are automatically locked for three reasons:
13. Vector Solutions: Training & Workforce Management Solutions
Prepare your people and stay in compliance using industry-specific training, operational readiness, workforce management, and risk management solutions.
14. SWAT 1 - Norse Tactical
Register/Login. Find Your Course · Sustainment · Our Facilities · Lodging · Shop. Menu ... What is an Acadis # and why do you need it? An Acadis # is your ...
This 5-Day Level 1 Course features a comprehensive 40-Hour training block, focusing on critical skills, that will enhance the capabilities […]