Comic-Con Chicanery - Achtungnight - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Intro- This story is fictional adult fantasy written for entertainment purposes only. It takes place in an alternate universe and any celebrities featured or mentioned are different from their real world counterparts, to whom the author has no connection other than fandom. Yes, Jennifer Garner did really get stuck in an elevator at the 2024 Comic-Con, but she did not connect with a fan couple for a threesome during that incident as far as I know. You can watch her Instagram videos for what really happened.

"The Last Sovereign" is a computer game by independent developer Sierra Lee and highly recommended. It inspired the fan costumes of my two lead original characters in this story and a bit of other content. It is freely available online and highly recommended to all adult gamers.

Feedback appreciated on all my stories, hope readers enjoy.

San Diego, California. July 2024.

"Eighty-one bottles of beer on the wall, eighty-one bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around! Eighty bottles of beer on the wall!"

"I hate this song," Doug Ramsay whispered to his wife Lisa.

"Mostly because you're not a heavy drinker, right?" the curvy redhead asked him, smiling.

"Yeah, I don't like to imagine the consequences of that much alcohol consumption. Ironic for a world-famous co*cktail brewer, I know."

"Let's just assume everyone's drinking responsibly!" the athletic brunette leading the chorus told them. "Come on, you two, lighten up!"

"She's keeping everyone distracted from our situation, Doug," Lisa whispered. "We are stuck in this elevator."

"Yeah," Doug mumbled back. They had stepped into it to descend to the convention floor from their hotel room on the second day of the event. One of their mutual favorite actresses, the athletic brunette action and comedy star Jennifer Garner, had been chatting with them when the elevator arrived. She was staying on the same floor of the hotel and approached the same elevator by chance. Lisa had recognized her as a friend of many years and past work colleague, Doug as someone he had long admired but never met before. Lisa had worked in Hollywood directly more than he had in the past. They had been chatting with Jennifer as the elevator descended. Then it had suddenly stopped moving, leaving them stranded inside with several other hotel guests.

Jennifer had quickly taken it upon herself to keep the twelve or so people packed inside occupied until they were rescued. Her high charisma was well-suited to the task. Jennifer was a famous B-list actress, the star of multiple films and a critically acclaimed action TV series. A lot of people would be thrilled to spend time with her, and now they were getting the chance to be photographed with her and have a fun story to tell their friends later. Jennifer was answering their questions about her work and life as a celebrity, then leading them in musical chorus and taking videos and photos she promised to post on social media later. Meanwhile, they all hoped, the hotel staff were working on the elevator and would get it unstuck soon.

"Seventy-seven bottles of beer on the wall!" Jennifer led the group in chorus, smiling. "Seventy-seven bottles of beer. Take one down...."

"No more bottles of beer on the wall," Doug sang his personally composed ending verse, ignoring the much higher official count. "No more bottles of beer. Me and my friends won't be driving home. We drank all the bottles of beer on the wall!"

Lisa politely rolled her deep blue eyes. She and Doug were at the hotel for the San Diego Comic Con on a pleasure trip, attending in cosplay as two prominent characters from The Last Sovereign, one of their favorite computer fantasy games. The couple was in their late forties and Caucasian. Doug wore a black cloak and green banded mail armor. His brown Van Dyke beard and imitation scar over one eye marked him to those in the know as Simon, the heroic Incubus King protagonist of the game. Lisa wore a revealing set of blue and red robes displaying her ample cleavage and tanned legs framed by a long cream-colored imitation fur stole. Her hair was styled in an elaborate updo with two sticks holding it in place. She was costumed as one of Simon's more powerful paramours, Empress Esthera of the org*smic Empire. The game had them and several other heroic warriors and mages- male and female, mostly polyamorous- take on several corrupt Incubus Kings and decadent religious hypocrites to bring peace to their sexy adult fantasy world.

They had come to Comic Con to promote the game, which was close to completion after many years in development, and enjoy being among like-minded people. Both were lifelong fans of comic and fantasy media. Their costumes were not widely recognized and raised a few eyebrows when explained, but most of the convention attendees were pleased at the accurate depictions and unique decision. It helped that they kept their public images safe for most discerning eyes- provocative clothing but no blatant nudity- and did any adult activity behind closed doors. They mostly mixed and mingled at the convention, Doug wearing his Simon outfit and Lisa changing costumes by the day to impersonate different favored consorts of Simon. Today she was Esthera. Yesterday she had worn full plate armor and a gray wig to be Hilstarra the beautiful tough as nails knight. Tomorrow she would don a black wig and false demonic horns and wings to be Yarra, the most prominent of the heroic succubi aligned with Simon. The day after that, the last day of Comic-Con... Lisa hadn't decided yet, but had a few ideas and costumes prepared.

Of course, they weren't at Comic Con just to show off fun costumes. In their mundane lives, Doug and Lisa were co-managers of a blue-collar resort in Nevada's Lake Tahoe region. Both were also involved in the entertainment industry- Doug as a writer and Lisa as a stunt coordinator slash performer. They had also been friends and consultants to celebrities on many occasions- Doug spent a lot of time as a bartender and Lisa as a psychotherapist. She had also done a lot of stunt work in the Marvel and DC Comics Cinematic Universes- mostly as a consultant and background fight performer since most of the stars preferred to do their own stunts. They were at the convention to promote themselves and further their business connections.

Jennifer was there to do the same thing. Her recent film "Deadpool and Wolverine" was topping the box office and pleasing many fans. She had returned to play the Marvel Comics assassin heroine Elektra after almost twenty years offstage. The performance had been critically acclaimed, but the older films featuring her had bombed due to bad writing. Such was Doug's opinion. Jennifer agreed with it. "I think my recent film had better writers," she said. Doug had agreed, though he felt some of their work was predictable and over the top flashy.

"That's Hollywood," Lisa had chuckled in reply to them both.

The three of them had bonded a bit as they waited for and then boarded the elevator. Their rooms were close to each other on one of the hotel's higher floors. Jennifer was at the convention alone, counting on her fame and people management skills to smooth her way through public life as always. Doug had recognized her at once and introduced himself. "I'm a longtime fan of yours," he said, "though we've never met before."

Like many women, Jennifer was soon charmed by his smile and wit. Lisa helped- she had known Jennifer for many years, having worked with her on the original Elektra film and a few other projects. Jennifer was also one of her therapy clients on occasion. Jennifer's two divorces had left her with a lot of feelings to sort through. Lisa had assisted her in talking out those feelings, then reminded her she was still a strong inspiring person with a lot of accomplishments and surely more positive times ahead.

"You're still that now," Lisa had told her earlier before the elevator stopped.

"And may I say," Doug had added with a sly grin, "a beautiful woman too."

"Thank you," Jennifer had replied, then brought up her recent film and asked if they'd seen it yet. They had seen it and discussed it a bit with Jennifer before the elevator stopped.

"Great writing in general," Doug admitted. "I was pleased they wove together so many clashing storylines and characters. I'd just like to put in a little constructive criticism that it was hard to follow at times, often it was more flash than substance, and they could have done more with some characters."

"I agree," Jennifer replied. "Maybe the film's success will help more superhero films happen. I wouldn't mind doing another Elektra film, and some of my co-stars could be great on solo projects too."

"Dafne Keen in particular," Lisa contributed. "X-23 needs to headline her own film- she definitely could."

The elevator had frozen in place and the emergency lights flashing had caught their attention before they could converse further. That had been nearly an hour ago. A hotel engineer had called on the emergency phone and told them everything was being handled- they suspected a software glitch related to the elevator's CrowdStrike computer system- but it was taking a while to sort out and they were still stuck.

"I hope you don't miss your discussion panel," Doug told Jennifer.

"I was coming down two hours early to mingle a bit first," she answered. "But I suspect they know what's going on and might hold it for me if necessary. If they do start it, other people are there to occupy fans until I arrive."

"I just hope this elevator moves soon," Lisa growled. "I'm mildly claustrophobic, and well..." She punched the wall in frustration, pretty sure it wouldn't do any good but in need of stress relief.

To her pleasant surprise, the elevator lurched to life seconds after her blow. The other people on board broke out cheering and the three celebrities joined in. "Phew!" Doug smiled in relief.

"Hope everyone's okay in there," the hotel engineer said over the loudspeaker. "We're bringing you down to the lobby now. Paramedics are waiting." The elevator began to descend.

"Glad we're finally out of this," Jennifer said. She looked at Doug. "I understand your unease. My second ex-husband struggled a lot with alcoholism."

"So have a few people in my family." Doug grimaced. "One reason I always water down the drinks I make. Well, that, and I prefer to emphasize other tastes."

"You can share recipes later," Lisa told him. She checked her phone clock. "I don't think you'll be late to your panel, Jen, but what are you doing afterwards?"

"I'll probably have to call my kids and tell them I'm okay at some point. Then I plan to shop, mingle with fans. This is my first Comic Con, I want to enjoy it."

"Fourth for me, tenth for Lisa," Doug said. "Well, neither of us have been to this specific event before, but we have been to many similar conventions. Although never as a couple since college. The nights alone have been the worst parts of past experiences, they suck. Do you have any other friends here?"

"Not close friends," Jennifer admitted. She flashed a knowing look at Lisa, who nodded. Doug was putting a certain subtext in his words as he always did with beautiful women he admired- if they wanted pleasure from him, he would gladly give it to them. Though if they preferred to keep their distance as many women did, Doug was fine with that too. Lisa was herself the same way. She and Jennifer had been intimate friends in the past. Both women were into casual bisexual polyamory and random hookups on occasion, though Jennifer had become increasingly monogamous as her fame grew and turned to secret swinging networks to maintain her fun on the rare occasions when her main public paramours were not in the same mood as her.

Lisa made a hand gesture from one such society, a group called the Friendship. It told Jennifer that she and Doug would like to spend intimate time with her later, if she was interested, and would keep things secret of course.

Jennifer smiled and returned the gesture after a moment of thought. Yes, she would accept the invitation. Lisa was an attentive lover, she knew from past experience, and Doug was handsome and friendly enough to spark her curiosity. Comic Con was fun, but it was also stressful at times with crazed fans and situations like the stuck elevator. She could use a bit of adult recreation later.

"I'll look forward to more time with you two after my panel," she said. "I missed your wedding festivities last fall, though Keri Russell told me they were fun."

Doug and Lisa smiled at the memory. Jennifer had been invited as a friend of Lisa but declined due to a previous commitment. She was an activist for multiple causes and a business executive as well as an actress who led a very eventful life.

"Hope to see you later tonight then," Doug said. "We'll probably eat dinner in the hotel restaurant around nine and head back to our room afterwards."

Jennifer nodded. "Sounds great. I'll meet you again at some point, I'm sure."

The elevator stopped again seconds later, this time with no flashing lights. The doors opened to display a lot of anxious people in the hotel lobby. Jennifer stepped off first and told them all she and the other guests were okay.


Later that night, Doug and Lisa walked back into their hotel room. The day of events had gone well, thankfully free of further mishaps like the elevator incident. Lisa had spent a lot of time socializing with various people and posing for photographs with her costume. She had suffered a wardrobe malfunction at one point and returned to her room to change into an alternate costume as a half-elf scholar named Elleanni- a less elaborate outfit but just as beautiful and important a game character as Esthera in her opinion.

Doug, still dressed as Simon but more relaxed now, walked to the room's king size bed and sat down with a sigh. "Crazy day. That elevator event was all over the news and people just had to keep asking us about it."

"I know," Lisa agreed, loosening her hair. "Our costumes and game promotion distracted a lot of them, but not all."

"It was cool to meet many people here," Doug said, "though I don't know if we'll see Jennifer again. Some women have agreed to meet me later, than never shown up."

"Don't be mad at them," Lisa advised. "They'd probably just disappoint you anyway."

"Yeah, I guess." He looked at his phone, then turned off the ringer and put it aside. "Let's get some R&R. We still have two more days of this event to go. Decided on your last costume yet?"

"Probably Ginasta the Paladin. We have a lot in common and her role appeals to me."

"Okay. You mind if I switch to Orcent the Talky Orc? I have a few ideas for a mask."

"Sounds great." Lisa took off her jewelry at the room's table, then stepped out of her shoes. "I'll help you make the costume. For the rest of tonight..." She gave him a suggestive grin that he returned.

Doug stood up and approached her, then embraced the love of his life from behind. He planted kisses along her cheeks and neck while Lisa began loosening her clothes. She returned his kisses with patient smiles, then guided his hands to her breasts and stomach. Doug stroked her in both areas, squeezing her nipples through her blouse. His other hand rubbed her belly, then moved lower. Lisa opened her legs for him and exhaled, moving her rear end against the hardening shaft she could feel through his pants.

My husband might lack the sexual magic of an Incubus King, she mused, but he never fails to excite my arousal. I'm so glad he came back to me after our unfortunate decision to end our relationship back in 2001. We were less focused then, unsure of ourselves and what we wanted from life. Now we know, and we are back together, forever hopefully. It will be a wonderful awesome life.

Lisa turned in his arms as he pushed her against the hotel desk. She kissed Doug's lips and throat. His body throbbed with love, her favorite spice, and she felt herself flushing inside. They smiled at one another, continuing to exchange passion. Lisa let Doug take the lead this time, grinning as he moved her back into a position facing away from him and started to push into her cleft from behind. Lisa sighed and humped against him, then moved her hands to unfasten and discard her skirt while he did the same with his pants.

They were interrupted midway through the necessary disrobing by a tapping at their chamber door.

Doug released Lisa and fastened his pants again quickly, shouting "Just a second!"

"Could be room service," Lisa reminded him. "We did ask them to send up strawberries and non-alcoholic champagne."

"Maybe," Doug replied, walking to the door.

"It's just me," Jennifer Garner grinned when he opened it. She held up a bottle of bubbly Bellini and a fruit basket. "I asked a waiter if I could hold on to these for you."

"Thanks," Doug said, taking the items with a smile. "Good to see you. Come on in."

Jennifer returned his smile, then stepped into the room after a quick glance over both shoulders, letting the door swing shut secure behind her. Doug set down the champagne and fruit, then moved back to the door. Lisa meanwhile moved close to Jennifer and kissed her cheek.

"We were afraid you weren't coming," the redhead said.

"Had to deal with a few people asking me about an Alias revival." Jennifer frowned. "I told them I was of course interested, but such questions are better directed to J.J. Abrams than me. "

"Regardless of the delay," Doug said, "we're glad you're here." He waved at the bed. "We have protection if you want it, and you can leave when you want, though we hope you'll stay most of the night. Everything go okay when you talked to your kids?"

"Yes," Jennifer answered. "They're happy I'm fine and want me to come home soon, but understand I want to stay for the rest of the Con at least."

"Are you tired?" Lisa asked her.

"Not as much as I want to be."

The brunette grinned and activated a very simple bit of sexual magic, sweeping off her black blouse in one smooth motion. Her hands moved to her hips next, unfastened and pushed down her jeans. Her lithe well-muscled body was revealed, framed nicely by matching black bra and panties that accented her figure while supporting it. Lisa grinned at Doug's gasping reaction to her quick moves. "Jen and I have been together before," she reminded him. "She knows what she's in for tonight."

"Some of it anyway," Jennifer said, chuckling. "I hope for good from the one of you I don't know in this way already too. At my age, you learn not to waste time." She walked close to Doug and embraced him, kissing his cheek. "You two have rules for this?"

"That's, uh, my question," Doug stammered.

Jennifer laughed, then glanced at Lisa.

"You direct him or follow his lead as you like," Lisa said. "Know that he'll ultimately stay with me no matter what happens, but is happy to please you while he can. Just tonight, or now and as many times as you can join us in the future. Same for me."

"Sounds great," Jennifer said, smiling at them both. "Why don't you two finish undressing? I'll open the champagne."

The brunette watched as her paramours for the night took off and put aside their costumes. She admired Doug's evident muscles and Lisa's firm curves that she knew from experience were soft in the right places, like her own. Lisa had large peach nipples and a thin red line of hair just above her c*nt. Her body was comparable to that of plus size models and mixed martial arts practitioners- both of which she was. Jennifer grabbed three plastic cups from the room's bar, opened the Bellini, and poured them each a drink.

They took and sipped their drinks, then put them aside and embraced as a trio on the bed. Jennifer seated herself between Doug and Lisa, let them each kiss her and caress her body in turn. Lisa unfastened her bra and Doug pushed it off, revealing small tan nipples on firm breasts. Jennifer pushed down and kicked away her own panties, displaying a shaven puss* that gleamed with anticipation.

Lisa moved to stroke her cleft first, hugging the other woman against her curves and tracing circles against her torso with one hand. Her other hand tickled Jennifer's thighs apart, then pushed two fingers into her. Jennifer gasped eagerly, guiding Lisa's hands with her own. It had been a few years since their last hookup and Jennifer wasn't sure Lisa would remember all her sensitive spots. Doug caressed her also, paying much attention to her hair and backside. Their touches were pleasant and gentle on her body, offering gifts of pleasure and accepting hers in return.

The brunette smiled, recalling her past experiences with sex. She had lost her virginity in college as a sorority girl. Her Pi Beta Phi sisters had taught her to please women well, and then helped her find a succession of pleasing boyfriends. Work as an actress had introduced her to a few more. Most were glad to accept her bisexuality, though on advice from her agent Jennifer had kept her orientation as a quiet personal matter. She was only romantically inclined towards men, but happy to love women for friendship and fun when she could. None of her relationships had lasted long until Scott Foley, her first husband. The two of them had met co-starring in a college drama and enjoyed a loving open marriage a few brief years, which included swinging with Keri Russell and a few other fellow actors. Then they had separated shortly after Jennifer fell in love with another co-star from her spy drama show. That relationship flared out quickly, though she and Michael Vartan maintained their chemistry on screen. She also dated the famous actor-director Ben Affleck for many years. First they were friends with benefits, then husband and wife for nearly two decades before their split. They remained friends and co-parents to their three children, supporters of many charitable causes also, and occasional swinging paramours, but Jennifer was a single woman again now. Perhaps I always will be, she thought, though I am open to another romance, should one come my way.

Lisa and Doug are like Ben and his current paramour Jennifer Lopez, she further reflected. Intense dating for a few years, breakup, then occasional contact for a while, and twenty-some years later when they both got lonely, they get back together and actually marry. Deeply in love with each other, yet happy to enjoy time with willing partners they both find attractive. Much like Simon and his many lovers in that game they're promoting. She wondered briefly if Lisa or Doug brought more extra partners into their bed. Probably Lisa- she was more of an extrovert and social butterfly than her man.

Her thoughts were soon dominated by their lips and hands on her body. Lisa rubbed her from behind and Doug hugged her face to face. They took turns kissing her face, stroking her breasts and torso, sticking two fingers into her puss* and wiggling them back and forth. Jennifer arched and sighed, enjoying how her cl*t tingled at their attention. She gasped as her first climax of the evening swept through her. Lisa and Doug kissed her afterwards. Lisa's mouth was open with thrusting eager tongue while Doug's kiss was brief, as though he were still shocked he was getting intimate time with someone like Jennifer.

"You'll have to forgive him," Lisa said, noticing their attitudes. "Doug's been with a lot of women, many celebrities included, but he never loses surprise at his luck."

Jennifer smiled. "Well, I like him. You like me too?"

"Y-yes," Doug stammered, then stopped speaking and concentrated on trailing kisses along her face and chest.

Jennifer gasped and reached for his co*ck, wanting it in her soon. Lisa helped her clasp and stroke it to full erection. First they rubbed it with their hands, then jointly pushed him down on the bed and began a double blowj*b. Lisa licked the right side of his shaft and Jennifer the left, both sucking on the head and also kissing each other when they felt the moment demanded it. Lisa stroked his shaft between her breasts, then held it steady while Jennifer moved into a reverse cowgirl position and sank herself down.

Soon she was moaning, clenching her body around him as he thrust back and forth inside her. Nearly slipping out on each outward stroke, then slamming back into her hard. Jennifer could tell Lisa gave him lots of practice at this act, and other women had also. She accepted his hands on her breasts and his mouth on her neck as he thrust away.

Lisa was at her front, pressing their bodies together and stroking both Jennifer's body and Doug's. For a while, she was scissoring with Jennifer, making their cl*ts and nipples rub against one another. Then she was turning around into a sixty-nine position, lapping at Jennifer's c*nt and Doug's co*ck as Jennifer licked at her puss* in return.

Memories of her past flashed in Lisa's mind. She had first come to Hollywood in 2002, enrolled at the University of Southern California for a doctoral degree in Psychology. To keep herself busy between classes and satisfy a lifelong dream, she had auditioned for a few Hollywood productions. She had earned some spots as a model, body double, and stunt performer, but acting roles were rare due to the heavy competition. Then she had met a producer named Asmodeus Gregory, who had gotten her alone in a room at a party and promised to get her better more frequent roles in exchange for sexual favors.

Lisa had turned him down. Yes, she was a happy ethical slu*t, but using that side of herself was not the way she wanted to achieve success in life. She was also aware that such promises as the producer's didn't always work out well for people, women especially. On top of that, Asmodeus Gregory was a disgusting toad, ugly in body and personality, not her type at all. So she had politely but firmly told him to get lost.

The slimeball had then threatened to ruin her if she did not pay him sexual favors, stepping forward and groping her in a way that aroused memories of past sexual assaults Lisa had nearly suffered. Before she could stop herself, she was fighting him off with every ounce of her intense martial arts skills, a lifelong hobby that had earned her a career as a stunt performer and saved her from assault many times. Gregory was not prepared for this, but reacted quickly and tried to fight back, declaring that he would beat her unconscious and then take advantage of her before making her disappear. Lisa saw red when she heard that and went crazy on him, grabbed his hand and broke it, then shoved him away and screamed. Other party guests heard and rushed to her aid.

Friends in local law enforcement had subsequently helped her press charges and document evidence enough to send Gregory to prison and ruin him in the industry while advancing her own career. Lisa would never be a prominent actress- Gregory had powerful allies and even several of those who didn't like him were a bit scared of Lisa- but she was glad to accept the friendship of many people in the industry as a stunt adviser, psychotherapist, and mutual fan. Jennifer had been one of several celebrities who also accepted her as a paramour soon after they met.

Years later, when many women decided to speak out against Hollywood sexual harassers in the Me Too movement, Lisa gave her own testimony. She also released a series of interviews and personal podcasts that demonstrated the viewpoint that a woman's sexuality was her own personal choice and right. Yes, sexual experiences could be unpleasant, she told viewers, but with the right consensual partners and circ*mstances, they could also be glorious and enjoyable in many ways. Women needed to remember that, and men also. Give every woman the right to be a mature loving person, she told the men of the world. You will be paid back in great love also. Women of the world, she also consoled, accept the attention of your loved ones, help them be better people and do the same for yourselves. Many talk show hosts and other influencers were eager to help her spread this message.

Lisa was certainly enjoying love now with Jennifer and Doug, all consensual and very fulfilling. A prominent theme of The Last Sovereign echoed in her mind. To force any change on the world increased suffering and did little to end conflict, but to act unselfishly, in cooperation with like-minded people... in friendship and trust... that could accomplish great things. Hope, change, and in the moment happy climaxes. Lisa gasped, feeling one of the latter erupt within her as Jennifer lapped at her cl*t and Doug pushed Jennifer's body against hers.

Doug thrust back and forth in Jennifer enough to set her off again, then pulled out of her before he could climax himself. He had a condom on his manhood- he'd donned it soon after undressing- but wanted to hold back his org*sm a bit. Jennifer moaned as she felt his absence, then lost herself in the attention from his fingers and Lisa's tongue on her c*nt.

The other woman reached out and grasped Doug's shaft, stroked its head and underside. Doug groaned and moved on the bed, pushing her down. "In you," he gasped out when Lisa looked at him. She smiled eagerly and waved him towards her puss*.

Jennifer watched, let her org*sm recede as the married couple embraced. She moved back from Lisa a bit, let Doug thrust into her loins. Then she licked their joined organs while they both trailed kisses along her thighs and moved their tongues across her puss*.

Doug came quickly, spurting into his wife's receptacle. This set Lisa off again, and increased her spasms against Jennifer. The brunette came again soon afterwards, crying out her joy. They fell apart and collapsed, all sweaty and breathing heavily.

Jennifer recovered first and smiled, grabbed her cup of champagne.

"To a great long night," she said.

"Not too long," Doug said. "We need to enjoy more of the Con tomorrow and our costumes take a while to put on."

"Benefits to going as yourself," Jennifer suggested.

"I'm not wasting the efforts we put into the costumes," Lisa said, "but maybe next event."

Jennifer smiled in agreement and raised her glass. They both toasted with her, then sipped. Soon afterwards, they were embracing and stoking further climaxes from one another. Jennifer enjoyed the rest of her time with them, though she slipped back to her own room before she slept.


Comic-Con Chicanery - Achtungnight - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.