Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

TEXAS Fish Fry Scheduled At Refugio Caller- Times News Service REFUGIO Refugio Lions Club will have its annual fish fry June 12, at Lions City Park from 4:30 until 7:30 p.m. according to Felix Rhame, spokesman for the Refugio Lions. Proceeds from the fish fry go toward Lions Club projects, including the crippled children's camp in Kerrville and furnishing glasses to school children in Refugio County who are unable to purchase them. Last year Lions supplied $439 worth of glasses. Lions City Park improvements are also on the list of projects.

There will be all the fish one can eat with all the trimmings, Rhame said, and tickets may be purchased from any member of the Lions Club at $1.50 for adults and $1 for children. KENEDY (Sp) The Kenchantment Swimming Pool on Holmes Drive off Flax Road has opened for the summer season. and will beswimming, lessonse' time to be announced later, for all who wish to enroll. W. E.

Holmes is the owner and L. L. Blakeney is the operator and swimming instructor. Membership in the pool is $15 a family a year, and admission is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. The hours are from 9 a.m.

until noon and from 2 to 9 p.m. on weekdays, and from 2 until 7 p.m. on Sundays. The pool is 100 feet long and 30 feet wide at the shallow end and 50 feet at the deep end. It is equipped with diving boards, filters, lighting effects and all other modern facilities.

PETTUS (Sp) The Pettus High School annual staff dedicated the 1964 edition of The Eagle to Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Edmondson for "their patience and understanding." The staff said that Mr. and Mrs. Edmondson had always been ready to extend heln and advice when needed during the most difficult years.

"For their devotion and guidance to the students of Pettus High School, we will always be grateful." Edmondson is head of the FFA department of the Pettus High School and Mrs. Edmondson is librarian. Caller-Times News Service BEEVILLE Ballots for the election of five directors of the Beeville Chamber of Commerce will be mailed next Monday for voting of the membership. Ten candidates for the five positions have been nominated by a committee headby W. B.

Phillips, immediate past president, Ed Neal, Dean Patton, A. E. Newsom and Malcolm Slay. Candidates are Phil Byrne, Mrs. Ruth Davis, Fred Grevelle, Paul Jostes, W.

D. McCarty, Wayne Nanny, A. A. Roberts, Joel Spence, Burley Stuart and Fred Wrinkle. Directors elected in the mail balloting will begin their three year terms on July 1.

REFUGIO (Sp) Announcement has been received in Refugio that Harliss Wayne Clowers was graduated in May from the Metropolitan Electronics College in Dallas with a grade average of 93, fourth ranking student in the class of graduates. Clowers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.

Clowers of Refugio. History Instructor Given Scholarship Caller -Times News Service KINGSVILLE John H. Thweatt, instructor in history at Texas College, has received a full tuition scholarship to the University of Denver and will begin work toward a doctor's degree there in September. Thweatt's field, is American history and work toward a Ph. D.

in that subject. joined the faculty in September of 1962 after earning his BA and MA degrees from Baylor University. in Waco. SEA-O-RAMA CONTESTANT Miss Betty Edge of Rockport poses on a sand dune. Miss Edge is entered in the Rockport Sea-O-Rama Queen contest.

She is sponsored by the Key Allegro Island Motel. COLLEGE STATION EVENTS Six Area 4-H Entries Are Roundup Winners Caller Times News Service COLLEGE STATION Six South Texas entries were ners in the annual Texas 4H Roundup held here yesterday. There were two first ners, three seconds, and one third. Kenneth Sneed, Tommy Taylor, Lydia Wehmeyer, and Earline Marshall, Port Lavaca, 2 Enter Guilty Pleas To Reduced Charges Two men, one from Aransas Pass and one from Rockport, pleaded guilty to reduced charges of intoxication in a public place and were fined $50 plus costs by Judge Vernon Harville in County Court at Law No. 1 yesterday.

They originally had been charged with driving while intoxicated. The men were Robert G. Koenig of Aransas Pass and Roy E. Stillwell of Rockport. as the Mavericks, won first place in the Share-the-Fun Contest.

Judy Smajstrla, Victoria, won first in the Soil, Water and Range Conservation Demonstration contest. Lynda Bowers, Edcouch, in Girls Public Speaking, and teams from Nueces County, in Entomology, and Kleberg County, in Landscape Plant Identification, all placed second in their respective contests. Mudy Banduch, Karnes County, placed third in the 4-H Money Management Educational Activity Contest. Bible School Event KINGSVILLE (Sp) The Vacation Bible School at the Church of the Epiphany will present a musical program and display of crafts following its close June 19. An ice cream social will coincide with the program.

CofC To Honor Sinton Jade Sculptor at Dinner -Times News Service SINTON R. S. Harvill, Sinton's renowned jade sculptor, will be honored at a dinner sponsored by the chamber of commerce at 7 p.m. Thursday at E. Merle Smith Junior High School.

A reception will be held at the school from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, at which time Harvill will display the jade sculpture that has won him national acclaim at gem and mineral shows. Mayor Terry Dyer last week issued a proclamation designating Thursday as Sebe Harvill Day in Sinton in recognition of the national honors Harvill has received. The dinner Thursday will be the annual meeting Corpus COMPLETE CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1964 DEATHS AND FUNERALS Rosendo Villarreal cos, both of Taft, and one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Moya TAFT Rosendo Villarreal, of San Diego.

and died Jesse O. Jones FALFURRIAS Funeral services for Jesse 0. Jones, 56, will be at 4:30 p.m. Thursday at the First Methodist Church. Burial will be in Burial Park with Howard-WilLiams Funeral Home in charge.

Jones died Tuesday. Johnnie Lee Johnson Funeral services for Johnnie Lee Johnson, 52. will be at 2:30 p.m. today at Clifford Jackson Funeral Chapel with burial in Rose Hill Cemetery. Johnson died Tuesday of injuries suffered in a one accident near Temple.

He was born in Pierce, and owned and operated a fishing tackle shop in Fort Worth. Johnson's address was listed as Corpus Christi. He was a member of the Elks Lodge in Alice. Surviving are his wife, lia; two sons, Jimmie and Johnnie Lee Johnson and his father, John M. Johnson, all of Corpus Christi, and a brother, Carl L.

Johnson of Pasadena. Mrs. Pete Brown KINGSVILLE Funeral services for Pete Brown, 57, who died Sunday, will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at Scott's Chapel Methodist Church. Burial will be in Chamberlain Cemetery under direction of Cage-Piper Funeral Home.

Mrs. Jerry Bartosh TAFT Funeral services for Mrs. Jerry Bartosh, 49, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the First Baptist Church. Mrs.

Bartosh died Tuesday after a long illness. Burial will be in Taft Cemetery with CageMarshall Funeral Home in charge. Dexter Rhey Polk ALICE Dexter Rhey Polk, 63, died Wednesday in a Corpus Christi hospital after a long illness. He had lived here 20 years, moving from Lockhart, where he was born. Funeral services will be announced by Moyer Mortuary.

He is survived by his wife, Velma; one son, Dexter of Calgary, Alberta, Canada; one daughter, Mrs. Louise Hammack of Alice and five grandsons. Benjamin Saenz BENAVIDES Benjamin Saenz, 64, died Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at a hospital in Galveston after a short illness. He was a life-long resident of Benavides where he was employed a night watchman by the Benavides schools.

Among his survivors were three sisters, Mrs. Josefa Saenz, Mrs. Elodia Saenz, and Mrs. Jesusa Garcia, all of Corpus Chrisit. Other survivors are his wife, Mrs.

Gabriela Saenz of Benavides: four sisters, Mrs. Estefanita Casas, Mrs. Flavia Chapa, and Mrs. Celia Hernandez of Benavides, and Mrs. Guadalupe Ruiz of Freer; two brothers, Fidel and Marciano Saenz of Benavides; and two grandchildren.

Beeville Chamber Adds New Members Caller-Times News Service BEEVILLE Five new members of the Beeville Chamber of Commerce were signed up last week, raising the total for the current membership drive to 51. L. D. Hunter, chairman of the campaign, said the 51 new members $1,915 to the chamber's annual income and puts its membership at 303, highest in the organization's history. Pettus Librarian Reports on Totals PETTUS (Sp) Mrs.

Della Edmondson, Pettus High School librarian, said students checked out approximately 8,500 books during 1963-64 school term. New books that have been added this school term total about 600 including three new sets of encyclopedias. Subscriptions to approximately 50 magazines are kept paid up. Indonesians Leave For Moscow Talks JAKARTA. Indonesia (AP) An Indonesian air force purchasing mission left Wednesday for Moscow for talks on new deliveries of Soviet military planes, the official Antara news agency reported.

The mission will later visit other European countries including Switzerland, the report added. Christi NEWS OF VISITED PARENTS Airman Pedro Torres who recently returned from overseas duty with the U.S. Air Force in Turkey, left this week for his new station at Forbes Air Force Base near Topeka, Kan. While in Rockport, the 1961 graduate of Aransas County School was honored barbethigh cue by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Pedro Torres Sr. Eude-1-Car Crash At Rockport Kills Driver Caller-Times News Service ROCKPORT Edgar Booth Jacobsen, 51, of Rockport, was killed early Wednesday mornling when he lost control of his car while trying to avoid hitting a small animal on State Highway 35 near here. State Highway Patrolman R. R. L.

Brown of Rockport said Jacobsen was thrown from his car and run over as the 1964 model sedan overturned. Jacobsen was delivering newspapers to Rockport when the accident occurred at 2:50 a.m. 3.5 miles south of here. He was dead on arrival at Aransas Hospital. Jacobsen, a lifelong resident here, was a paper carrier for the Houston Post and San Antonio Express in the area.

He was a member of the First Baptist Church and Odd Fellow Lodge. Survivors are his wife, Ila Pauline. and two sisters, Mrs. Thelma Barber of Rockport and Mrs. Emma McDaniel of Corpus Christi.

Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in the Cage-Marshall Funeral Chapel in Rockport. The Rev. Wilson Bromley, pastor of the First Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Rockport Cemetery.

First in Series Of Square Dance Lessons Is Set REFUGIO (Sp) The first of a series of square dance lessons will begin Thursday night at the old American Legion Hall in Refugio, it was announced by Cecil Frank. instructor. Frank, a member of the South Texas Square Dance Association and a member of the South Texas Square Dance Callers Association, said dancing, will begin at 7:30 p.m. last until (9:30. Two squares of 4 couples each are already scheduled to be there.

Frank will be assisted by his father Bill Lacy, of Beeville. Music will be furnished by records on a stereo-type hookup. Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Lacy will serve refreshments.

Frank assures Refugians there will be a minimum of ten lessons here and hopes there will be enough interest to have a regular club. Porter Backs Bush FORT WORTH (P) Jack Porter, former Republican national committeeman of Texas and a delegate to the GOP national convention, said Monday that he backs George Bush in the U.S. senate race. Caller SOUTH TEXAS 3 Men Held In Drug Case Ex-Police Chief Jailed; Marijuana Is Confiscated EDINBURG (AP) onetime prison guard was Wednesday in federal lated marijuana tax laws of 83 pounds of untaxed States, including 55 pounds were arrested Tuesday night. Roy Avila, 39, was charged in four counts.

Avila was chief of police at Alamo until May 15 when he resigned pressure from the city council. He previously worked on the Donna police department and was a guard at the state prison in Huntsville. Gilbert Avila, 32, brother of the ex-policeman, was charged on a single count. He lived in Donna. Felipe Ramirez Alvarado, 37, of El Potosi, Mexico, was charged on three U.S.

Commissioner James K. Hall heard the charges and ordered the men Hidalgo County jail in lieu of 000 bond each. All three were still in jail late Wednesday. Proceedings at the hearing were translated into Spanish for Ramirez who said he speaks no English. He said he has seven sons.

Made Delivery Fenelon A. Richards, assistant supervising customs agent for enforcement from Houston, said Roy Avila and Ramirez were arrested as they delivered 55 pounds of manicured marijuana for sale to an undercover agent Tuesday night. Richards said the agent had agreed to pay $40 a pound for the weed, but he estimated it would be worth more than $60,000 on the illegal market when sold a cigarette at a time. The entire 83 pounds of marijuana could be worth almost $100,000, officers said. Gilbert Avila was brought to the commissioner's hearing by his attorney Wednesday.

On Four Dates U.S. Customs Agent Leslie H. Bobo of McAllen signed a complaint which alleges Roy "did willfully, knowingly and unlawfully facilitate by sale the smuggling, transporting and concealment" of marijuana Feb. 29, April 11, May 3, and June 2. Ramirez was charged in the Feb.

29, April 11 and June 2 cases, and Gilbert Avila was charged only in the May 3 case. The arrests Tuesday night came in a dramatic scene punctuated by a single shot -on Tower Road just off U.S. Highway 83 in Alamo. The single warning shot was fired when Ramirez tried to escape by running into nearby tomato patch in the He was captured after a chase on foot. Richards said the arrests culminated an investigation which has been underway more than a year.

12 on Hand "We had about 10 U.S. customs agents and two state agents involved in the actual arrests," Richards said. "We had customs agents from New Orleans, El Paso, Brownsville, Laredo, Houston, McAllen and Falcon Heights, and state agents I. L. Maroney from San Antonio and Richard Harlan from McAllen to help." Richards said the 55 pounds of weed seized Tuesday night was highly refined.

It was in eight packages wrapped in paper and tightly sealed with masking tape. Bobo said most of the marijuana now being smuggled into the Rio Grande Valley comes from the hill country south of Union Carbide Makes Six Personnel Changes Caller-Times News Service SEADRIFT Six personnel changes were announced here by officials of the Union Carbide Corporation. They were: J. E. Ebensberger will become a member of Olefins Division Financial Control Department in New York.

N.Y. W. F. Mahoney has been appointed plant controller in charge of the Planning and Control Department. T.

E. Adams has been appointed supervisor of cost control, payroll, and the cashier's office. J. K. Rampmeier was named supervisor of cost accounting, property records, and the stenographic pool.

PAGE 18D Wednesday morning after a long illness. Funeral mass will be celebrated at 8 a.m. Thursday at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. The Rt. Rev.

Msgr. Joseph Alvarado, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be at Taft Cemetery with Marshall Funeral Home charge of arrangeage ments. Among his survivors is a son, Ismael, of Corpus Christi. He is also survived by two other sons, Dionicio and Mar- Crash Near Agua Dulce Injures 11 Caller-Times News Service pened at the intersection of Farm Road 666 and Farm Road 664 about seven miles south of Agua Dulce at 4:40 p.m.

He said Miss Hayes was driving north on FM 666 and Mrs. Gonzalez was going west on FM 665. Miss Hayes' car apparently collided with Mrs. Gonzalez' pickup. Taken to Robstown Hospital for treatment and dismissal were: Mrs.

Gonzalez, bruised left hand and minor head injuries; Dominga Roacha. Gonzalez, 37, lacerations forehead and upper chin; Francis Gonzalez, 14, minor head AGUA DULCE Eleven persons were injured, none apparently seriously, in a car pickup truck accident about six miles from here Wednesday afternoon. The accident involved a car driven by Miss Jane Louise Hayes, 17, of Bishop, and Mrs. Ten Elma of the Gonzalez, 22, of injured were pickup truck which Texas Highway Patrolman Marx Howell said overturned and skidded down the roadway. Howell said the accident hap- juries; Adela Gonzalez, 13, forehead lacerations; Benito Gonzalez 10, injuries and injured left hand; Jose Maria Gonzalez, 8, minor head injury; Juanita Gonzalez, 43, minor injuries of the left hand: David Gonzalez, 9 months, injured left ear; Basilia Gonzalez, 6, minor head and knee injuries; Santos Gonzalez, 15, injuries to the left side and head; and Miss Hayes, who was treated and released by a private physician.

Football Star To Be Featur At Youth Week PORT LAVACA (Sp) Bill Glass, defensive end for the Cleveland Browns, will be guest speaker during Youth Emphasis Week, June 10-14, at the First Baptist Church. Services are scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Wednesthrough Saturday, and at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday.

A native of Texarkana, Glass is in his sixth year of professional football. He was named on the 1962 National Football League All-Star Second Team and played in the Pro Bowl game last year. Another special feature during Youth Week will be the showing of the film, "Play For Keeps," a full length color motion picture featuring six of America's outstanding Christian athletes in sports action as well as in testimonies. Star athletes appearing in the film are Alvin Dark, manager of the San Francisco Giants: Felipe Alou, outfielder for the San Francisco Giants; Bobby Richardson, second baseman for the New York Yankees: Bill Wade, quarterback for the Chicago Bears; Raymond Berry, all-pro end for the Baltimore Colts, and Glass. "Play For Keeps" will be shown during the regular workshop hour Sunday evening, June 7.

6:30 p.m. President of Textile Workers Is Reelected NEW YORK (P William Pollock won an overwhelming victory in his reelection Wednesday as president of the AFL-CIO Textile Workers Union of America. The union's convention delegates ousted all of Pollock's opponents from the executive council. Tabulation by the Honest Ballot Association gave Pollock 608 votes to 340 votes for his opponent, J. William Belanger of Boston, the union's New England regional director.

Belanger was one of the 12 vice presidents who accused Pollock of usurping the council's authority. A former police chief and one of three men named complaints charging they vioby facilitating the smuggling marijuana into the United seized when two of the men Monterrey, Mexico, according to information U.S. customs officers have received. Smuggled Across The agents assume mose of the 83 pounds involved in the four cases filed against Avila was smuggled across the Rio Grande in some isolated area. Richards said the long-term investigation was directed mainly by Bobo, Herbert F.

Scott, the customs agent in charge at McAllen, Harlan, and Fred Turner, the agent in charge at Brownsville. Avila had been chief of police in Alamo for four years. The city countil requested his resignation early in May, and it became effective May 15, city secretary Don Badeaux said. Lake Death Is Ruled Accidental Caller-Times News Service MATHIS-The death of Hilton Harold Martin, 30, was ruled by Justice of the Peace C. D.

Caffal Wednesday as accidental drowning. Martin's body was found Wednesday on the upper reaches of Lake Corpus Christi after being missing since Monday. He was last seen Monday when he arrived at a fishing camp The miles northwest of Mathis. left in his light boat to check trotlines on the lake. The boat was found Tuesday morning with the motor still running and Martin's pipe still burning.

Martin was employed by United Gas Co. in Agua Dulce, where he made his home for the last six years. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Moyer Mortuary chapel in Alice. The Rev.

Keith Robertson, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Agua Dulce, will officiate. The body will be sent to McComb, for additional services and burial. He is survived by his wife, Geraldine; three daughters, Cherie, Pamela and Deborah; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Martin of Jayess, three brothers, Herbert of Milwaukie, and John, with the Navy in San Francisco, Calif.

and Jerry, of Jayess, two sisters, Mrs. Audrey Methvin of Jackson, Miss. and Mrs. Alma Phillips of Jayess, Miss. The family Wednesday expressed its deep appreciation for the public's help in the search.

of the chamber. Dr. Clarence Cottam, director of the Welder Wildlife Foundation, will introduce Harvill. Harvill was 51 when he attempted his first carving from a piece of jade that was a Father's Day gift from his son, R. S.

Jr. Two years later he entered the state gem and minerals show at Austin and took first prize on his display. The following year, he repeated his winnings at the state show at San Antonio and headed for the national show at Denver to see how he "stacked up" against the best sculptors of the nation. He tied for first place. In 1958 he was back at the national show in Dallas where he not only took first prize but was awarded the Parser phy, given for the highest individual achievement.

He hasn't entered competition since that time but is guest artist at the national and larger regional shows each year to display his sculpture. Until two years ago, Harvill worked as an oil field welder and fabricator of multi-ton brush clearing equipment. Ill health forced his retirement and he now spends his time in his workshop at his home in Sinton fashioning gem quality carvings from the "stone of the ages" and from ruby. One of his carvings in ruby, an inch-high bust of Banjamin Franklin last year brought $5,000 from a San Antonio collector. Have the Corpus Christi Caller Delivered to Your Doorstep Early Each Morning Phone Agent Nearest You.

Alice M04-3511 Aransas Pass 758-2481 Beeville FL8-1409 Bishop JU4-4501 Cuero CR5-9091 Falfurrias FA5-3086 Freer EV4-7269 Fulton S04-6589 George West 5691 Goliad MI5-3326 Ingleside 776-2886 Jourdanton L09-3504 Kenedy 0L9-3347 Kingsville LY2-5960 Mathis KI7-2128 Palacios 824-2301 Pleasanton L09-3504 Port Aransas R19-5527 Port Lavaca 524-4583 Portland TU3-4341 Premont 348-7291 Refugio LA6-4163 Robstown 3626 Rockport S04-6589 Sinton EM4-1870 Taft 528-3075 Three Rivers 5691 in George West Victoria H15-5171 Woodsboro LI3-4722 Yorktown CR5-9091 MORNING OR EVENINGS A SUNDAY WEEK 45c E. E. Schroller is now supervisor of production records. F. S.

Provenzano was appointed chemicals group leader in the Process Development Laboratories of the Texas City plant. Ebensberger, from San Antonio, joined Carbide in 1954; Mahoney joined the company in 1954 also, after receiving an MBA degree that year from the University of Houston; Adams, born in Long Mott, became associated with the firm in 1955; Rampmeier, of Palacios, began work in 1957; Schroller, from Yoakum, joined the firm in 1954; and Provenzano, a native of Houston, joined Carbide in 1956..

Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)


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This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

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In the late 1920's, the two were combined to become the Caller-Times. The present building was erected in 1935 at 820 North Lower Broadway and has subsequently been remodeled and enlarged several times.

What is the phone number for Corpus Christi customer service? ›

If you have a general question, you can call us at 361-561-2000 or toll-free at 1-(800)-766-2322. If you are looking for a specific contact, check out our staff directory. The Corpus Christi Visitor Info Center is open and located in Water Street Market.

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Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

How much is a funeral in Texas? ›

North Texas

Home to some of Texas's largest cities, this region offers a broad range of funeral costs. While premium services in Dallas may command fees of up to $6,000, more affordable options can be found in the outskirts or smaller towns like Denton, where services may be priced around $3,500.

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Most newspapers charge by line, so the higher the word count, the higher the price. However, families and loved ones can save money by looking into online options.

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Why is Corpus Christi so famous? ›

The large, shallow bay makes Corpus Christi an ideal feeding place for birds, which is one reason why Corpus Christi is known as the "Bird Capital" of North America.

Is Corpus Christi Texas expensive? ›

Cost of Living in Corpus Christi, Texas

Corpus Christi, Texas's cost of living is 9% lower than the national average. The cost of living in any area can vary based on factors such as your career, its average salary and the real estate market of that area.

What did Corpus Christi used to be called? ›

Corpus Christi began as a frontier trading post, founded in 1838-39 by Colonel Henry Lawrence Kinney, an adventurer, impresario, and colonizer. The small settlement was called Kinney's Trading Post, or Kinney's Ranch.

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Economic Impact of Tourism in Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is the most visited regional destination with over 10.61 million visitors annually.

Who bought Corpus Christi? ›

Corpus Christi Church, its office and community centre have been sold to law firm Stewart McKelvey, which is acting as an agent for an unknown buyer.

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